Well, the Academy screening committee has viewed all of the qualifying films for this year's Best Animated Short race, and they've put in their ratings. And the fine folks at PriceWaterhouse Cooper have tabulated all of the ratings, and from that they've figured out the ten films with the highest rating, which were announced last Thursday. These are the ten films that will be moving on, to face another round of showings to be seen by the nominating committee, who will put in their own rankings. The five films with the highest average score will become the nominees to be announced in January. Meanwhile the 50 films that have not made it into the shortlist will be there, either online or in somebody's collection, but largely forgotten.
But let's not concern ourselves about those fifty films. We're here to focus on the Best Animated Short category, so let's take a look at the ten films that still have a shot, first for a nomination and then for the win. One of these will be the winner. Which one will it be?
Apologies for the late entry, almost a week after the shortlist was announced. I'm sure I could have found time between interview and Ponyville Ciderfest, and dealing with a cold, but as it stands, I was far from being the first blogger to have a more detailed look at the shortlisted films. Tim from the Film Experience, a much more prolific animation historian, beat me to it, but hey, mine has trailers and stuff.
Here are the previous entries about the shortlist.
Top 5 films 2009-2013 that were not nominated